Transport Simulation Test

Packaging Tests

Transport Simulation Test

If the test required for a product includes a transport simulation test, there are several standards published by various organizations for package test methods, and they must be complied with.

Transport Simulation Test

These include the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Military Standards (MIL-STD-810), and the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), which has had higher test standards in recent years.

ISTA test protocols are organized in series and there are seven series in total. Tests must be performed in an ISTA certified laboratory and must comply with the minimum requirements of the current ISTA test procedure. However, it should be determined which standard should be used from the series to perform an appropriate ISTA certified test.

ISTA Test Series descriptions are as follows:

1 Series: Non-Simulation Integrity Performance Tests. Challenge the robustness and robustness of the product and package combination. It is not designed to simulate environmental events. It is useful as screening tests, especially when used as a consistent benchmark over time.

2 Series: Partial Simulation Performance Tests. In addition to the core elements of the 1 Series Non-Simulation Integrity test, tests with at least one element of the 3 Series type General Simulation performance tests, such as atmospheric conditioning or moderate random vibration.

3 Series: General Simulation Performance Tests. It is designed to provide laboratory simulation of sequences of movements, forces, conditions, and transport environments that produce general damage. It applies to wide range of conditions such as various vehicle types and routes or varying handling. The characteristics will include simple shaped random vibration, different drop heights applied to the sample package or atmospheric conditioning.

4 Series: Improved Simulation Performance Tests. General simulation tests with focused simulation elements such as a test sequence or known known distributional conditions. The EU Project (under implementation) is currently the only protocol in this series.

The following three series are usually outside the range to be considered for individual packages:

  • The 5 Series is not currently an active series,
  • The 6 Series focuses only on member performance tests and
  • These are the tests used in the development of 7 Series transportation packages.

To help you choose a test series to follow, consult your ISTA certified test lab and consider the following:

The 1 Series Non-Simulation Integrity Tests are usually the simplest in the series, but they are also least effective and are often used as screening tests because they do not simulate environmental formations.

The 2 Series Partial Simulation is considered the "in-between" test, where it is a combination of 1 Series and 3 Series.

The 3 Series General Simulation Performance Tests are a broad simulation of the dangers and conditions of a real distribution. The level of complexity and potential overall effectiveness increase with the series level. 

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