EN 1835 Respiratory Protective Devices - Compressed Air Line Respirator with Helmet or Headgear

Respiratory Protection Equipment Tests

EN 1835 Respiratory Protective Devices - Compressed Air Line Respirator with Helmet or Headgear

EUROLAB, with its state-of-the-art accredited laboratories and expert team, provides precise and fast testing services within the scope of EN 1835 testing. This European standard specifies minimum requirements for light-duty compressed air line breathing apparatus with a helmet or helmet intended for use in gaseous, particulate or combined contaminated atmospheres.

EN 1835 Respiratory Protective Devices - Compressed Air Line Respirator with Helmet or Headgear

This type of equipment is designed for use in operating conditions where the risk of damage to the compressed air supply tube is low. Escape and diving apparatus and apparatus used in abrasive blasting operations are not included. Laboratory and practical performance tests are included to assess compliance with the requirements.

EN 1835 is a European standard regarding respiratory protective devices, particularly light-duty compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or hood. This standard outlines the requirements, test procedures and marking criteria for such apparatus.

The standard focuses on respiratory protection equipment that relies on a continuous supply of compressed air to the user through a hose or line connected to a remote air source. Such apparatuses are widely used in various industries and applications where a supply of clean and breathable air is required.

EN 1835 defines the specific requirements that these light-duty compressed air line breathing apparatus must meet to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Some important aspects covered by the standard are:

  • Design and Construction: The standard specifies the design features and construction requirements of the apparatus, including the helmet or headgear, hood, connections, and valves. It ensures that equipment is designed and manufactured to provide adequate protection to the user.
  • Performance Requirements: EN 1835 specifies performance criteria that the device must meet, such as minimum airflow rates, pressure requirements, and compatibility with certain respiratory protective devices. These requirements ensure that the equipment provides an adequate and consistent supply of breathable air to the user.
  • Test Procedures: The standard provides test methods and procedures to evaluate the performance and safety of the apparatus. These tests may include evaluation of airflow, pressure, breathing resistance and other relevant parameters. Tests are carried out to verify compliance with the specified requirements.
  • Marking and Labeling: EN 1835 also includes guidelines for marking and labeling apparatus to provide users with essential information such as manufacturer's details, product model and associated safety warnings or instructions for use.

Compliance with EN 1835 ensures that a light-duty compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or hood meets the required safety and performance standards. This supports worker safety and health by facilitating the selection and use of appropriate respiratory protective equipment in a variety of industries.

EUROLAB assists manufacturers with EN 1835 test compliance. Our test experts, with their professional working mission and principles, provide you, our manufacturers and suppliers, the best service and controlled testing process in our laboratories. Thanks to these services, businesses receive more effective, high-performance and quality testing services and provide safe, fast and uninterrupted service to their customers.

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